Monday, November 11, 2013

Blogember: Day 11

I'm a little behind on the old blogember prompts due to moving across the country, but I'm getting back in the swing now with day 11: 3 albums you would take in a deserted island.

This is a decidedly difficult choice to make. In my move, instead of eliminating CDs - even ones that I am positive I'll never listen to again (seriously, Limp Bizkit? I'm not sure what I was thinking either) - I bought a giant CD carrying case, tossed the booklets and jewel cases and shipped every single one. So, how in the world can I just pick 3 to listen to forever?

And yes, it will be forever. I have no survival skills. I know I'm not getting off of this island.

Okay, here goes.

1. Neutral Milk Hotel - In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
This is one of the most important albums of my life and one that I can barely go a few days without listening to at least some part of it. Every time I listen, I discover something new, so it's practically like not having to choose one static album at all. 

2. Hanson - This Time Around
Obviously, I love Hanson. Almost as much as I hate them. And This Time Around is the best Hanson album with so much personal history for me, that there's no way it's not coming with me. Let's be real, though. I'll skip Love Song on the island the same way that I do now. Sorry, Ike.

3. Michael Jackson - Thriller
Come on. Every song is perfect. Could anything be better than loudly singing Baby Be Mine alone on an island while trying to make friends with the wild animals and avoid certain death? Nope, not a thing.

There we go. Three albums, One island. And I'll hit publish right away to avoid the intense desire to add about 30 more just in case.



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