Welcome to the first edition of my favorite game: WHAT’S IN YOUR…?
(If Christian Bale is reading this, the conclusion to that question is “pants” and photo responses can be sent to manda@getupeight.com.)
Moving on.
Now, I’m not sure if I’m just a creep, but I really love seeing what people keep in things – purses, medicine cabinets, closets. I just want to see what you have! Inevitably, whenever I go over a new place, I will excuse myself to the bathroom whether it’s necessary or not just to peek in their medicine cabinet. Don’t give me that disapproving look over the internet, either. I’m confident that everyone does this and you should expect that people are going to do this when they’re at your house. It’s just the way of the world.
That said, I thought I might start to share little things about myself by sharing what’s in the various storage areas of my life. Starting with my personal favorite – the fridge. I think it holds the favorite spot because it’s just so different for everyone. Some people only have beer, some people only have takeout, some people have a Whole Foods in there, some people have lots of delicious snacks that I wish I could afford, and I want to know about it all.
I also want to say “Hey can I have one of these snack packs!?” when we’re hanging out and you don’t realize I’m looking in your fridge.
Okay, that’s weird. But it usually gets me a snack pack.
Don’t be fooled by how blank it looks. I keep my Alf magnets, notes, and generally foolishness on the side. The only thing I keep on the front is what’s in season here so I can get excited about summer and stop buying so much processed crap and apples from Mexico. Also, yes, those are my sneakers on top. I take them off when I come in the door there, but if I leave them on the floor my cat eats the laces. She’s the devil and this is the solution.
The hub. Eggs, butter, water, leftover baked ziti, asparagus, melons, cheese – the usual. Since tomorrow is Mother’s Day I’ve also got a cute bouquet in there for her. Knowing that my mother has no interest in reading my blog, the surprise remains in tact.
The door. A ton of different jellies and mustards, beer, butter, sauces. The most important item in my entire fridge is that eye and face gel – it’s basically aloe and saves my life when I stay up all night crying over The Notebook and need to look like a normal person the next day. Conspicuously missing from my door are the two food products I can’t live without: Bone Suckin’ BBQ Sauce and Sriracha. The good news is I have a new jar of Bone Suckin’ Sauce in my cabinet. The bad news is that my grocery store stopped selling Sriracha so I need to drive to the further away Asian market or order a giant bottle on Amazon. What a plight.
Finally, the freezer. It’s basically home to frozen veggies, popsicles, and ice packs. If anyone has a good solution to organizing a drawer freezer like mine, I’d love to hear it. My current solution is basically to throw everything in there and forget I have it.
So, there you have it. An expose on what is in my fridge. In my next “What’s In Your…” unveiling, you’ll get a most riveting look at what’s inside my medicine cabinet. I’ll give you a hint, there’s no medicine.